Saturday, March 3, 2007

Task B1-4 - Matching Games

Sticker Matching Lotto Game

Fossil Matching

Cut two squares each out of six different colors of construction paper and glue the squares on twelve index cards. Mix up the cards and spread them out face down on a table. Let one child begin by turning up two cards. If the colors match, let the child keep the cards. If they don't, have the child replace both cards face down exactly where they were before. Continue until all the cards have been matched. Then let the child who ended up with the most cards have the first turn when you start the game again.
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Cut a 12-inch circle out of white tagboard and divide it into eight sections. Use crayons of markers to color each section a different color and draw matching colored dots on eight spring-type clothespins. Then let the children match the colors by clipping the clothespins around the edge of the wheel on the appropriate sections.
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Glue a colored button to the bottom of a 6 cup muffin tin, using 6 different colors in each tin. (Have the same number and same color of buttons off to the side.) Encourage the children to match the colored buttons to the ones in the tins.
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Memory games of all kinds are fun: you don't have to do the real "memory" rules...just matching the cards up and yelling "SAME!" is really fun for younger kids.

Another thing that is fun is to put photos of items you actually have (toys, flag, clock, stapler etc) into a small photo album. The kids look around and find the items in the room and match them up.

If you have a creative idea for this task that you would like to share, please Email Me at or add a Comment. Thank you!

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